Adding zip search to ag
First of all kudos to @ggreer I really like ag
. My problem was searching zip compressed folders with it.
The issue I’m trying to fix is #743 Implement searching in zip-files.
As stated there I needed to decide how to process zip files or to be more specific, how to handle zip folder structures. A zip file with the following structure could’ve been easily handled with the existing API:
|-- file.txt
A file looking like this couldn’t:
|-- file.txt
|-- folder/
|-- file2.txt
At this point I wanted input how to proceed but zip processing isn’t that important. Import for @ggreer was primary the correct implementation of ignore files as stated in his blog.
I decided to break the API in terms of implementing a process_zip()
method which handles parsing a zip file and passing all files (not folders) within this file to search_buf()
At first I began writing the method and it worked… On my system… only. I realized this when opening my first pull request pr #840.
- I need
version 1.0 or greater - I need to add this version of
to travis
Adding the requirement of version 1.0 wasn’t that hard to do. Adding
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBZIP], [libzip >= 1.0])
was enough to the ag
that the standard installation of v0.11 isn’t working.
Adding libzip-1.0 to travis was a tad bit more annoying -.-
Trying to install libzip-dev
yielded said version 0.11 of libzip. Trying to do a manual install brought forth a couple of minor hurdles (most of them were generated by me not RTFMing -.-‘). Heres what not to do:
- adding the pre install
./configure && make &&make install
at the wrong point in the tarvis.yml 1 - not compiling the correct branch (all commits before 2)
- not working in the right dir 3 & 4
- but most importantly spamming @ggreer with every commit I made at 1 a.m. until 5 That even resulted in a commit by him removing notifications in his repo 6
So after managing to do all of the above points my travis config looks like this:
language: c
- master
- zip
- clang
- gcc
- sudo add-apt-repository -y 'ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test'
- sudo add-apt-repository -y 'deb llvm-toolchain-precise-3.6 main'
- curl | sudo apt-key add -
- sudo apt-get update -q
- sudo apt-get install -q -y automake pkg-config libpcre3-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev
- sudo apt-get install -y clang-format-3.6
- sudo pip install cram
- wget -O /tmp/libzip-1.1.1.tar.gz
- pushd /tmp
- tar -xvf /tmp/libzip-1.1.1.tar.gz
- cd libzip-1.1.1
- ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install
- popd
- ./ && make test
The interesting part is before_script
& branches: zip
After fixing my travis.yml and annoying @ggreer at 1am the only thing left to do was running ./ reformat
. Which would’ve been the most relaxing part if not for the fact that the .clang-format
needs clang-format
v3.6 which my mac doesn’t have^^